Hey guys i just got myHX effects the other day and I programed a setlist and love it. My biggest issue so far is getting the tremolo in time. I have a preset tempo for each song, but when i kick on the trem I want it to be in time but its not. I cant get any of the trem patches to do it everytime. It seems like the tempo for the trem is engaged when you switch the pedal on and not necessarily in time with what youre playing if that makes sense. So If I don't hit the switch at exactly the right time, then the trem isnt on tempo and sounds horrible. Is there a setting or any tricks I can do besides sending a midi message from something like ableton to have it kick on in tempo every time?? I don't have this problem with my delays. They're always in time even if i kick it on on an off beat.
I feel like my timing is pretty good but having to switch a pedal on in tempo is harder than it sounds cause is it engaged on the button down? or when the button is released?