I'm looking for some JBL type speaker impulse responses. I'm interested in any type of JBL 110, 120 or 130 series in any cab... d120, d130, d110, k series, e series. AND any JBL similar speakers like... Beyma liberty, eminence commonwealth, weber california, weber michigan... etc etc etc!
I see redwirez has some, but they only have two and I've heard redwirez are outdated by today's impulse response standards... but that was on a post from 2013- so maybe theyve updated since then? I'm new to helix, so please be easy on me. I did try searching these out- Oh and i found some dude posted an e130 IR! i'm gonna go try to use it for now.
JBL's and fenders are a killer combo! duane allman used JBL's in his marshall 4x12 with his marshall head to get one of the most legendary guitar tones of all time- seems like theyd be in pretty high demand to get IR'ed!