At Line 6 supports suggestion to resolve a problem with my JTV59 mag pups suddenly dropping in volume, I decided to reinstall the JTV v2.0 firmware.
The last time I had done it, I used my HD500 and the process worked fine a couple of times in a row. However, this time, I had just upgraded my HD500 to v2.2, and while I was connected up I thought why not reinstall the JTV v2.0 firmware, and suddenly I was in a whole load of hot water. It seemed like the update had worked until right at the end I got the dreaded popup saying midi code error 80009000. I tried the reinstall again and got the midi time out error so I had to disconnect the JTV from the HD500 by unplugging the VDI. Three more attempts saw the same midi code error but on the 4th time I suddenly got the JTV UPDATE SUCCESSFUL. Phew.
However, why has this happened? I thought the JTV update via HD500 was the best most reliable method - and it certainly was before for me and I have changed nothing apart from moving on to the latest FW level for the HD500. I find this really frustrating that a simple software update should encounter so many problems and be so flakey.
I also had a quick play through the models just to see if they were back to what I had before and to my surprise some sounded different. I will have to have a thorough play through the models I use to be sure, but one surprise was the ACOUSTIC pos 1 and 2 (the guild model 6 and 12 strings), it is now sounding very "boxy" for want of a better word and I don't remember it being like that before. And this prompts the next question as to why reinstalling the same firmware should have any effect on the sounds of the models. Surely a successfully update should mean everyone is getting the same but on more than one occasion now, I have installed the same v2.0 firmware and noticed a different end result. I can't get my head around why that should be or why there is no guaranteed way of knowing you have got a fully 100% successful firmware install.
I have yet to determine whether the reinstall has address the issue with the mag pups suddenly dropping in volume. More testing to be done.