I have a JTV59 and I am still on 1.71 flash and I play with VDI connected to HD500. I have used the banjo model before without any issues but have not needed it for last 8 months or so, but needed it again this weekend. When I used it I noticed a distinct popping sound that seemed to occur at the same time as the initial pick attack. It seemed far more pronounced on the A and D strings and not really noticeable on the B and high E. If I played really gently then I could avoid it but normal play it was there. It wasn't on every pick but it would come and go as I played and was very obvious. I switched everything off and on a few times and it was still there. I have no idea what is causing it. It does not occur with any other model sounds. Has anyone else had the same issue with the banjo model? And if so, did you identify the problem? And did you find a fix? Thanks.