In an effort to address an odd nasal overtone on the D (4th) string of my JTV59, I changed my string volumes under Workbench to the following:
E (6) - 0.85
A (5) - 0.65
D (4) - 0.60
G (3) - 0.80
B (2) - 0.90
E (1) - 0.75
I had never touched the string volumes before in all the many years I have owned a Variax and then a JTV. I still have a v700 and never adjusted the individual string volume in all the years I have owned it. I have owned the JTV59 since they were first launched and until now never felt I needed to adjust the string volumes within Workbench thinking that surely it must be at it's optimum performance level if all strings were left at their max volume.
To my surprise, although it did not resolve the issue I was trying to fix, I found that the adjustment did have a positive effect on the patches I was using through my HD500, and with the new adjusted string volumes I found all my patches sounded better. The HD500 is set up with Input 1 and 2 set to GUITAR + VARIAX and SAME, which is the recommended default. I had tried muting Input 2 before and had noted that the lower guitar input did seem to make patches sound better but overall I found that the JTV input signal was too weak so had resorted to using SAME, but I had noted with this setting that the overdrive sounds did not sound quite right, always a bit muddy and it was a struggle to get clarity without introducing harshness. BUT now - with the adjusted string volumes, it seems that everything is dialled back just enough for the sounds to have more clarity and in my humble opinion, to my ears at least, do sound better.
I was wondering who else had changed their string volumes on the JTV, why they had changed the volumes in the first place, and what the results were for them and whether they stuck with it or changed back to all strings at max volume as per the default? I would be interested to hear others opinions/views and experiences - and seeing other people's optimum string volume settings ...... thanks in advance for sharing.