Certainly I haven't searched well. No formant filters for Helix. . . yet???!!!. Ok, I can't believe that. it's a DSP based unit. There MUST be a way. Have we all just gotten a talkbox from somewhere and no one sent me the memo (I'll bet my spam filter deleted it!)? I don't see any new topics on this. I'm teetering on just dropping a "C" note (PLUS!) on an EH CockFight Plus. But I just CAN'T believe my Helix won't do that . . . even better than! I don't even see recent topics or posts on this. Nobody wants/needs a talkbox "tone" today? Someone please slap me and wake me out of this. We just giving up on L6? Or did I miss the post where L6 said "look elsewhere for this . . . we're NOT doing it?!?!" Edit: I missed one - someone created a GREAT Formant filter (that I haven't found) . . . now everyone is happy!?