I have owned by Spider Jam for almost exactly four years now, but a year and a half ago or so, the sound of my amp started to muddle out. Due to sounding crappy, I stopped playing as often which caused me to "forget" about the problem and I never had the time to research into the situation until now. I have put the amp through some heavy use during my band years and I thought it may be the tubes buuuuut I realized the amp does not run on tubes, so that idea was thrown out the window. The cleans on the amp is still crystal clear, but the overdrive and distortion has gone bad. I thought it may have been my Jackson, which is my main guitar, but when I used my old guitar, sound was muddy as well so it's not the guitar(s).
So I'm kind of stuck and have no lead to follow, so I am now here hoping anyone can help me out.