I'm posting this for all to see...It's actually pretty funny in a pathetic sort of way.
Yesterday I posted a question here on the forum wondering why the "stereo" FX loop send and return were being summed to mono when trying to patch in an Eventide H9 ( but really Any type) stereo effects processor using the dual mono stereo send and return on the Pod HD400.
Later, I contacted support services directly about this same question, Here's the answer I received. From: Date: Message: wvolkmann Mar 3, 09:59 AM Hey ,This is because the effects send is designed to hook up to an amps FX loop which are mono. Regards,Will - Line 6 Support First off.. think about it a little bit;
Now, WHY in Hell are there FOUR 1/4" jacks on the rear of the HD400 two labeled ( L-FX Send-R) & (L-FX Return-R) ?
Ha!, This is a non-answer at it's finest...