Hello everyone,
Good evening.
A few days back, while starting the jam session with the band, I plugged in my POD HD500 to the power and all i got was this blank screen.
When the unit was working, this screen usually stayed up for a few seconds before the line 6 logo was displayed.
I have tried everything from the forums - Holding left keypad while powering on, holding up keypad while powering on, even tried right and bottom keypad too.
I tried connecting to Line 6 Monkey on the PC and the PC doesn't detect the unit. I also tried my power adapter on the second guitarists POD500, and his unit was working. I then tried his power adapter on mine and still got this display. I think this rules out the possibility of a faulty power adapter (It's the one they ship with the unit)
Attached is an image of the problem I am facing with the unit to help throw some light on how it looks like.
Has anyone from the community ever faced this issue? If so, please do share what was done to fix it. I have all my patches on it and I am (rather, was - lelz) in the middle of tracking a few singles for an EP with the same unit.
Any help or leads would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.