I have two AX2's that I use for quick pickup gigs and rehearsal. The one at the rehearsal hall lost its mind; the model would sound but it cut in and out sort of like Morse code. I did a hard reset and nothing. Then, it just went away. I brought it home to do maintenance on the floorboard (tighten and clean every thing) and reload my patches from my laptop. I am using the older AX2 editor by Steve I forget his last name. The editor says it sent the patches, but they don't show up. I've done another soft and hard reset. Still the Morse code pulsing of the guitar signal. Anyone had this happen? What did you do to fix it? These amps are perfect for rehearsal because they have the self contained effects and all the amp models I use... I can go snag my other that worked previously at another rehearsal hall, but would still like to get this one fixed instead of hauling the beast an hour and 1/2 to my tech. Thanx