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Pod 2.0 question.

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Hello! I was wondering if I could use the Line 6 POD 2 on amps like this?:

WEB_Image%20Morgan%20GX%2035R%2032432799 Ive got this one, but I want a AC/DC sound, and ive heard that POD 2 makes a good sound for AC/DC songs, so I was just curious about if it would work on my amp :) And one other thing, can I plug my guitar into the pod and then to my amp?  :)

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If it has a "Fx Loop" the "Line In" will be the way to go ( I can't tell from the pic if it has one for sure). You can go in the front but you want to set the amp up as neutral as it goes. Flat EQ, little to no gain, no verb etc... This lets the Pod handle the tones.


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