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Divided Duo and others preamp block volume disparity


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Been trying the preamp only blocks from the Helix into the power amp of a Mesa Boogie Mk3 combo and an Orange OR15+Marshall1912. There is a big difference in volume between the preamp blocks even after taking the gain, eq, channel and master volumes into consideration and tweaking. The Divided Duo is almost silent in comparison to the rest, try it if you haven't, quite shocking. There are workarounds like making all other presets quiet or using a block for big makeup gain. I am investigating frfr solutions, tried the Atomic CLR wedge and keen to hear a Matrix Q12a. For the weekly coverband pub gigs which are mostly backline and vocal PA with a bit of kick drum, bass and guitar support for spread, I currently favour the idea of actual guitar cab, Atomic seemed a bit clinical/unreal for my taste.

Q1. Any thoughts on the preamp block volume disparity, particularly the Divided Duo?

(Q2). Any experience/thoughts on the Atomic v Matrix?

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I've owned and gigged with an Atomic Reactor (1x12 and 2x12). I still have the 2x12 but don't use it. I much prefer a pair of Yamaha powered cabs. First of all, you get much better spread than from a guitar cab, plus you're not stuck with just one cab sound - the cab is neutral, so you can use the cabs in your modeler for different tones. Also, I use one cab for audience and one for the rest of the band, especially the drummer and bassist, who are often kind of in the back and don't hear what's projected forward. If I'm also running into a PA, I use one cab as my monitor and the other for the rest of the band. Very versatile.

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I've owned and gigged with an Atomic Reactor (1x12 and 2x12). I still have the 2x12 but don't use it. I much prefer a pair of Yamaha powered cabs. First of all, you get much better spread than from a guitar cab, plus you're not stuck with just one cab sound - the cab is neutral, so you can use the cabs in your modeler for different tones. Also, I use one cab for audience and one for the rest of the band, especially the drummer and bassist, who are often kind of in the back and don't hear what's projected forward. If I'm also running into a PA, I use one cab as my monitor and the other for the rest of the band. Very versatile.

Thank you for the reply, though I did order the AtomicCLRneo wedge earlier today. I went back to using full amp blocks rather than preamp only as they had far more character with poweramp block added. I agree and I think I was still even losing a some of the individual character of the amp only blocks through the Marshall 1x12, some were sounding quite similar. When I picked up the Helix in store I first tried it with the CLR, then they kindly left me to my own devices in the empty PA department so I tried a fair few units, RCF, Line6, Yamaha, etc. My favourite Was the CLR, though I hadn't really got properly to grips with the Helix eq. So maybe I've spent a chunk more money than I needed to, but judging from forums, YouTube and the limited testing I think I'll be very happy. I will be linking from the CLR to the PA, for a little FOH spread on the pub gigs, so should be able to aux out to monitors if band mates need to hear me better. I am loving the Helix, was practising along for a Guns and Roses tribute gig coming up this weekend and the 2204 sounded exactly like the CD through my studio monitors.

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