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Copy/Paste Block and snapshots


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I was working on a snapshot-based preset, thought it was in a pretty good place, but there was another amp block strategy I wanted to try. So, I copied the current amp block, and went fishing for a different sort of sound there. After a bit, I decided I wanted the original back, so I pasted the block I had previously copied back in.


That changed the settings for the amp block, for sure, but most definitely didn't restore it the way it had been when I copied it, in the current snapshot or the other three.


Note that ALL amp settings on the first page were controlled by snapshots, and a few on the second page too.


Is this a known thing with copy/paste and snapshots? What exactly gets copied and pasted when most block parameters are controlled by snapshots? In some ideal world, maybe, the block's settings for each defined snapshot get copied, in addition to all its static settings, but that's clearly not what happened, and the result in my case was useless. In the end, I just reloaded a saved copy of the whole preset, but that's not the point.


Is it documented somewhere how this works? If not, could we get an official statement explaining it?

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Copy/paste does not currently work across snapshots, as pasting a block with many controller assignments could clip the 64 controller limit in another preset. There are all sorts of things we could script as a workaround, but for now, there are bigger fish to fry. If there's a particular way you'd like copy/paste to work with regard to snapshots, IdeaScale is the best place to submit it. :)

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Thanks for the confirmation DI, appreciate it.


Re exceeding the limit on the number of controllers, strikes me as similar to exceeding DSP limits -- don't allow pastes that won't work.


As to how the rest of it "should" work, that's a bit of a trick question...


In one sense, ideally it should include the settings for all snapshots defined in the source preset. That'd work well for the ephemeral backup move I tried to do, or to paste into a preset whose snapshots were laid out like they were in the source preset. That's what I sort of assumed would happen, but I can see that that was pretty short-sighted.


Or maybe it should paste only the settings for the current snapshot. That'd be much more manageable if your snapshots weren't laid out the same in the source and destination. OTOH, doesn't work well for the cases where pasting settings for all snapshot at once does.


Or maybe it should ask which you want when you paste?


Or maybe all these questions mean copy and paste should be disabled if any snapshots are defined in the source or the destination? Or at least if the block in question has parameters controlled by snapshots?


OTOH. why is this different than parameters controlled by anything else? It doesn't make sense that a pasted block should have a parameter controlled by whatever switch is in the same position in the destination preset, which may already do something completely different. I haven't checked, does pasting lose ALL controller settings?

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I've been thinking about this, and here's how I think copying a block with parameters controlled by snapshots should work:


- Basic version: Copying copies only the settings from the current snapshot, and pasting pastes those settings into the current snapshot. Simple and super clear.


- Advanced version: Offers the choice of the basic version, or copying and pasting settings from all defined snapshots in the source preset into the same number snapshots in the destination. This option should only be available if the same number of snapshots are defined in both presets.


The advanced version is just a convenience feature. You could accomplish the same thing by manually copying and pasting from and to all the snaps you cared about, with the added flexibility of pasting into different snapshots if you wanted. That said, it would be a major convenience if your snapshots were functionally similar in both presets.


I hope we get at least the basic version in an update not too long from now.

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