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Volume continually cuts out after power on

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Hey all, I have a problem that recently popped up. My POD XT Live drops volume after start up. I can tap the patch a b c ... whichever one I am using, the sound comes right back. Might stay a second or a few minutes but it drops again. This continues and I need to keep tapping to bring it back. This may go on for 10-15 minutes then work fine the rest of the session. Last time out though this problem continued too long and I ended up using a different unit.


Checked all I can think of. Knob on back, Slide switch, pedal, different patches, different banks. 





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Sorry to hear that my man. There are a few things short of a service call you can try. It could dirty pots - with the XT off turn cw many times then ccw I'd start with the vol ones. Try "parking the knobs" - have them all at 0% then start the XT. Last gasp would be try a diff power supply (long shot) and maybe a shot of DeOxit on a cable end then slide it in and out of the jack.


If all else fails - go up top and click Support and see what the boys at L6 say via a Support Ticket.

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  • 5 years later...

I think I stumbled onto the solution by accident. I now have 3 Pod II interfaces. First one new, and the rest because Line 6 discontinued a popular item.


I found that in certain instances, the unit would power up, then either play a while and fade away to almost nothing - at inopportune times. It usually came back on, unexpectedly and with a thunderous comeback. It caused me to buy more units.


Upon trouble shooting a malfunctioning TiVo unit, they asked if it was in a power strip - it was. They advised plugging directly into its own plug. The next time the Pod malfunctioned this way, I tried the same hack - BINGO! - it snapped right back and worked perfectly.


I have seen several people with the same problem. Try it before you go to a repair solution. I don't know why Line 6 stopped making this model. I still see them out there - even in studios.

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