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distortion pedal with 4cm


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Hello All, Im still new to learning this hole thing, but i have my HX Effects setup with 4CM. I want to use my big muff bass distortion  instead of the built in ones(just love the tone of that pedal) How do insert that pedal so i know its out to the amps input instead of the FX loops

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HX effects has 2 effects loops so that will be easy.


As a side note, given the question, I'd suggest to take a couple minutes to understand 4cm rather than reading a diagram.


Anyways, assuming you have 4cm setup correctly:

-drop a send/return block for effects loop #2 where ever you want the muff to be in your signal chain and that's it really.


Hx send 2 > muff in > muff out > hx return.


Snickering as I type this is proof I haven't grown up yet. 








Understanding 4cm makes this common sense. 


Look at your amp as though it is two separate units each with they're own input and output:

Unit 1: preamp

- input guitar

- output power amp

Unit 2: power amp

- input preamp

- output speaker


Now look at the helix like two effect units (and to be honest it's most efficient to treat it that way as well):


Effect unit/rack 1 = Pre-amp effects (distortion, pre eq, wah, volume swells, etc...)

- input guitar 

- effects send out (to the front of the preamp - guitar in on the amp)


Effects unit/rack 2 = power amp effects (time based, reverb, master volume, etc...)

- input = Preamp out on your amplifier (send on the amp)

- output = input on your power amplifier (return on the amp)


Draw it out if it helps, but make sure you understand it if for any other reason than needing to trouble shoot in seconds while the rest of the band (and audience) is staring at you during a performance.

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Ok that's what I was looking for. I'm pretty familiar with 4cm and how it works, I upgraded from a gsp1101 to the hx effects, I just wasn't sure if there was anything on the board I needed to do to make sure that it was going through the right route or not


And now that you say that I laughed as well reading that. Guess I haven't grown up either lol. Just ask my wife she'll tell ya

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