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Help with Helix Native & Powercab Plus


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Just got my PC+ in and I'm having some trouble getting it working right with Helix Native. Whenever I set the USB mode to Processed I get an extremely loud high pitched noise. According to the manual, I need to use the Processed mode in order to use the built in speaker modeling with my signal coming from Helix Native.

From the manual: "Processed - In this mode, incoming USB audio is processed by the Powercab 112 Plus device, adding even greater flexibility when used as your computer's audio interface for amp modeling software, such as the Line 6 Helix Native plug-in or POD Farm application."

My signal chain is: Guitar -> Line 6 Relay G10 -> PC+ Input 1 -> USB (PC+ to Computer) -> Helix Native on Computer -> Processed guitar signal back out to PC+ via USB

If anyone is using their PC or PC+ with Helix Native and can give me some tips/help I would greatly appreciate it.

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