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Bluetooth speaker


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A little more information on what you're trying to do might help. I'm assuming that you're trying to use it with the amplifi remote app, but it should also work with other music playback apps when connected via BT.


Does it make a valid connection to your BT device?

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Hi Cbrillow,

The problem is that when I try to play a jam track in the app or any other song in any other app, it doesn't work.. The bt connection seems to work because I am able to download and edit tones.

I use a Samsung Galaxy s9 and the 2.60 firmware on my amplifi 30...


Thank you!

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Thanks for the additional information. It's somewhat helpful, and does raise a few questions:


  1. Is your Amplifi 30 a recent acquisition, and did you buy it new?
  2. If you've had it for a while, were you ever able to stream music to it via bluetooth?
  3. Since you say you can load and edit tones, I'm assuming that you can hear your guitar signal.

I believe the paths for the guitar signal and BT music are separate, where the amplified guitar signal is fed to the main speaker, and external music goes to the other full range speakers. Could be that there's something wrong with the path for the external music. Maybe you could try connecting a phone or mp3 player to the Aux IN on the back, via a 1/8"  (3mm) stereo cable. I believe that would use the same amplifier circuits and speakers that BT audio uses. Could be a good clue if that also doesn't work. 


I'm guessing that you've tried adjusting the guitar and music volumes in the app, although I think they'd boot up to a default volume that would let you hear the streaming music. Seems unlikely that this setting could have been set to 0 and retained upon restart. Have you pressed the main volume knob down and tried adjusting the guitar/streaming audio balance that way?


Although there's one Line 6 tech who checks in here with helpful information, I'd recommend opening a support ticket to make sure you can talk to someone directly about this. This is primarily a user forum with a lot of knowledgeable members, but you might want to contact support for this one. I've had good luck getting a tech on the phone. They generally know their stuff and are very willing to work with you to resolve the problem.

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Hmmmm... Sounds like it you're narrowing it down. Do you have access to another phone or device to try streaming audio via BT? That could tell you even more...


Since you have a new amplifi, you should have some options. You could see about a return or exchange, for example, if you don't feel like tracking down the problem, yourself. It just might be something with the hardware.


I still recommend opening a support ticket and see if you can talk to a tech on the phone, rather than waiting for a definitive answer on the forum. 


Good luck and please keep us informed!

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