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HX Stomp 1 switch looper + global profiles


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Greetings.  New HX stomp user here.  I love the unit, but have two questions:


1.   Is there a way to set the double-click speed somewhere buried in the settings, like you can with a mouse in your computer OS?  Apparently, my foot technique is no good!  I cannot seem to double-click fast enough with my foot to get the 1-switch looper to stop.  I can do it with my fingers, but that's not very helpful.  The double click is noticeably faster than on other pedals that have this function.


2.  If I wanted different global setups for different functions: one for using this as a backup with my band with a high output bass, and one for home practice with a very low output bass, is there a way to set up "profiles" that I could select so I don't have to change the settings every time I switch instruments?  



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One other newbie question since this is my newbie thread:


I'm using an EHX Superego in front of the Stomp.  If I want to send the wet signal into the return, so I need to use up a block with a send and return, or is there a way to create a "B" path without using up a block?



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1 hour ago, JES000000 said:

Thanks for your super-fast reply.  What MIDI controller are you using?  I’d love something that’s like 3 buttons with programmable CCs.




I am using the following midi controller:


It's a solid price and I got it on sale to boot. The only issue with it is it can't send CC value numbers, only CC numbers. What this means is that it can't control snapshots, or allow you to use it to cycle footswitch modes UNLESS you have it mimic FS4 and FS5 and then in your global settings set FS4 and FS5 to cycle footswitch modes. Other than that though, it's a great price and has a lot of control options. In terms of the looper, it works perfectly. 


Another option I see, and the cheapest option, that people really love is the DMC Mircro:


My understanding is it CAN send CC values, but of course, it only has two buttons, but I think those two buttons have several options such as quick press, long press, where the midi commander doesn't. Still, only two buttons can be confusing.


The gold standard for midi controllers remains this one:

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