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Model Packs not being installed with Lic. Manager

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I've got a Pod xt live (which I absolutely love!) and eons ago I bought the 3-pack model pack bundle.  Recently I had to flash the rom  - which started all of this muck.


Fast forward to just recently, I decided to connect up my xt to my new computer.  Downloaded everything (etc. . . ) and while all my model packs are showing up on under my account online - when I de-auth and re-auth via the lic. manager the program tells me the packs are being loaded onto the xt but surprise they really aren't on the xt at all.  I have done this 20+ times in every conceiveable manner possible.  (tried previous versions of all software - monkey - lic. manager - firmwares - etc)


I've been lurking on the forums here for some glimmer of hope but it seems I've found no answer to my problem.  The device is being recognized in both windows and line 6 softwares.  Near as I can tell is that the license manager is actually trying to load the files after a successful de-auth but it just ain't sending the info across.  I've opened up a help ticket, but I was just hoping someone out there has had a similar problem and found a resolution.    USB cable works fine in monkey  - I think I can rule that out . . . (after all I was able to flash the memory)  I took a look at the diagnostic files but most of it is just Greek to me.    If anyone understands them - I'll gladly load up and copy a short section of it . . . . 


Thanks, all


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Here's a few things to check: 

Is your new computer listed under Authorized Devices?

Are your model packs listed under Activations?  These would be listed under Purchase History and Software Add-ons. The activation code is under Product Activations. 


That's all I can think of. Line6 should be able to help you with this.











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