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PodXT - change from Flextone3 to FRFR speaker?

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I've had a PodXT since 2004.  About 10 years ago I bought a Flextone3 to run the Pod into to get stereo effects.  It's always sounded dull.  I put the Pod into effects loop so it's after the Flextone preamp.  I still plug my guitar into the input of the Flextone.  My path is into the Flextone, effects loop out to the Pod and stereo back into the effects return.  I would rather plug into the Pod and then out of the Pod into return on the amp.  The amp won't let me do that for some reason.


Now I'm back to thinking about buying some FRFR speakers like the Headrush 108 and skipping the Flextone alltogether.


I also recently purchased a Yamaha THT30iii and would like to run the Pod into it.  The THR sounds amazing for its size but I miss being able to switch channels like I can on the Pod with my Shortboard. 


Having said all of that:

1.  Is there a better way to run the Pod with the Flextone?

2.  Should I just go with FRFR speakers?




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I think I had a big breakthrough today.  I saw another thread that mentioned being able to go directly into the effects return on the Flextone by plugging a dummy plug into the amp input.  I did that, turned down the channel volume to zero and now I'm able to plug into the Pod XT and go straight into the effects return of the Flextone and bypass the preamp.  It sounds a lot better and clearer.



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