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MIDI assignment FBV express mk 2

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Hi there,

I have just bought a bunch of gear and everything is working great with Amplitube 5.

I have searched the net and the forum to find out how to get my midi pedal board to communicate with Amplitube.
At the moment I just want to assign presets to the ABCD pedals and wah to the expression pedal.
It's hooked up via USB to standalone Amplitube. I have selected the midi input then go to control to get the board th "learn".
Also I have the FBV program open but cannot get anything to happen.
Am I missing something really simple? I did read it was plug and play but for me that is definately not happening.


Or if anyone has an example template to work with the program I should be able to figure it out from there.

I would be grateful for an idiots walk through if possible. Thanks for listening ;)

Regards, Tim

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