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Getting lower than 70Hz


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Lately I've needed to play a lot in Drop B.

B1 is 61,74Hz and Powercab works in a 70/20k range.

Could it be a good idea to use an active subwoofer together with it to get everything out of my low frequencies? Maybe could my Helix+Powercab rig become also a viable setting for bass this way?


Thanks and I apologize for my noobishness 

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  • 2 weeks later...

The low frequency driver in Powercab appears to be a pretty good guitar speaker base on how it sounds in Mode: Flat, Voicing LF RAW. That said, and the 70Hz low end response, it's probably not going to be great for bass. But try it, you might find something that works for your situation.


Subwoofers can be tricky. You'd need to be sure the subwoofer and Powercab have appropriate crossovers, and are in phase.


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