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Floor Board Volume goes off after some seconds


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I have a problem in the floor board that I have temporarily resolved.

The volume of the amp goes down a few seconds after turning on the equipment.

Disconnecting the cable from RJ45 the volume appears again at maximum level.

As I work in electronics, I drew a diagram of the wha/volume board and took some measurements that led me to the conclusion that the photo diode M3 (volume control) was faulty.

I removed the photo diode M2 (wha control) and put it on M3, so now I have the volume but I don't have the wha which I use very little.

My problem now is that I don't know the reference of the photo diode to buy and put it on the M2 to have wha again.

Can anyone help me and provide a part list or schematic of the wha/volume board where I can see the photo diode reference, please?



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