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HX Librarian works with Pod Express???


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I'm a noob Line 6'er.

Line 6 support guy told me to download HX librarian cos I want to know what the factory presets are in the white areas of the Pod Express Bass. The app opens (PC), I can sign in, but all buttons are greyed, nothin' doin'..

Thought I might get a quicker response here.. Isn't HX for another effects unit... Helix maybe?

Support previously told me there's no way of saving presets from the Pod Express.. 


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As far as I know there is no software for accessing the express from your computer. I believe the manual says you can download line 6 central for future updates to express but I don't think there are any now. 


The manual that you can download (it's for both guitar and bass pod express) describes only the main sounds on the amp wheel but not what is saved in preset. 


You can overwrite all 21 slots in preset mode. But if you want to know what they are, go into preset mode (by tapping On+Tap together) and cycle to the setting you are curious about. 


Now tap the two buttons again (on+tap) to go back and the red light will be on the amp being used for the preset you just switched from. Like if I save Princeton amp with reverb to #5 in yellow (bass and guitar have different colors). If I go to my Princeton on #5 yellow by tapping On+Tap and cycling to #5, then if I tap them again to go back to play/edit mode it will be on the first amp Princeton. 


Hope this helps

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On 7/4/2024 at 7:48 AM, BothWorlds said:

Thanks Both Worlds. The support guy made a mistake, he thout i was Helixer. I downloaded Line 6 and updated firmware. I have the manual since buying unit. I know about overwriting presets. I don't really follow ur last paragraph, sorry. It might take me a few more reads and tries. : )


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