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BigSky in loop of HX Effects - wet mix super quiet?


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Hey, I have BigSky + Dual Tonex in the loop of my HX Effects. 


So basically, HX Effects (Stereo Send) -> BigSky -> 2x Tonex Ones -> HX Effects (Stereo Return)


I am using MIDI to control different BigSky presets. But the wet mix of the BigSky is barely there when I have it in this configuration.... I can barely hear the reverb, but if I take it out of loop and play by itself, the wet mix goes back to normal. 


Looking online, looks like people have had this issue with Kemper and QC when running the BigSky, but not sure how to fix it with my HX Effects. 


Any thoughts?

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Forgot: When I switch to a different scene on the HX Effects (which also changes the bank of the BigSky), the reverb mix trail of what I was playing JUMPS UP in volume to probably where it normally should be. But when I start playing, the mix goes down to barely able to hear. 

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So in the HX Effects, when I disable the FX Loop, I should get no sound, right? But when I disable it, I can hear my guitar quiet when I play, like the sound is leaking through. But it sounds like a DI guitar, no amp/cab sims.

But all my sound SHOULD be going through the FX loop, right? So the fact that I can still hear my guitar when I disable the loop has me thinking something is going on.

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