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Helix LT Output


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I presently. Output my LT to lineouts to studio monitors 

I use Ableton on my pc connected to LT using USB interface cable, not sure if having backing track AND guitar out of same studio monitors is a good or bad thing.


Ableton is used to run backing tracks which output from the same studio monitors as my guitar simultaneously 


Ableton also runs midi clips which change my snapshots automatically synced to my backing track.


Would I be able to add another speaker or set of monitors to my LT, just for backing tracks, whilst having my existing studio monitors just for my guitar.


I guess I could easily route these in Ableton but could LT support 2 sets of monitors?


1) Such as Ableton PC connected to Helix LT using the USB interface cable


2) Helix LT connected to Studio Monitors  just for my guitar output from helix patches using left and right line outs.


3) Helix connected to another pair of Monitors just for backing track using XLR outs.


4) then a way Ableton could send backing track to the XLR out monitors

And helix playing my guitar sound out of lineouts as usual




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Hi @TheCrimsonidol,


first a disclaimer: I just own a HX Stomp, but it seems quite same but with more possibilities on Helix.

second disclaimer: I don't know Ableton. I'm using Reaper on Windows. More the "recording guy" with a DAW.


For Ableton: On Windows you should use the ASIO driver. Then you can "address" the different USB-Inputs on the helix. On Mac, I don't know exaclty, but you can also (an maybe easier) chose outputs in System Settings. But if you do this, you can send audio from "some track" in Ableton to "some input" from your Helix.


USB 1+2 - our Output 1+2 seem to go directly to the Main Outs / headphones on Helix as well on the HX stomp.


But you can also send signal from Ableton (or any ASIO DAW) to USB 3+4, 5+6 or 7+8. Then you can route this signal to any output you want within the Helix (HX Edit). E.g. sending the Playback to Output A and the guitar to Output B.

Pls. have a look at the Owner's Manual - Chapter "USB Audio": LT Owner's Manual - English .pdf


This seems a bit confusing on the first glance ... but Line6 did a good job for getting "simple setups easy" and also enabling quite complex setups with different audio streams and routings / outputs.


So you can route a signal from any USB port to any Send-Output - either Mono or stereo. And I think, that's what you want. E.g. send "USB 3+4" to your Send-Outs 1+2 or so.


Pls. check this and feel free to come back if you got any questions!


Thanks and have a great day


Best regards



Helix USB Routing.PNG

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