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Solution for FBV MKII Express to Windows 11 re-enumeration failed connection problem and complete install

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This is a guideline for install and fixing FBV Control/Monkey 6 detection issues using the FBV MKII Express on Windows 11. 

Step 1:

A. Install FBV Control, Monkey 6, and firmware form Line 6 download page (all current versions).

B. Follow directions in link to allow firmware update offline in Monkey 6 (default.cfg attachment is below):

C. Update Firmware in Monkey 6 with firmware file.

D. Calibrate device

i. Hold D while powering on the FBV. Upon release, the pedal display will read 1.


ii. Press and hold the pedal toe switch until the 7 segment display changes to 2. This should occur instantly.


iii. Set the heel to the heel (minimum) position, press the D button. The 7 segment display will change to 3.


iv. Set the toe position (maximum) and press the D button. The tuner LEDs above the 7 segment display will light.


v. Move the pedal and verify that the tuner LEDs sequentially turn off as the pedal moves to the minimum position, and refills when moved to the maximum position.


vi. Press D to exit (may need to reconnect).


Step 2: Fix for re-enumeration to avoid reconnecting the cable after computer shutdown/reboot.

A. locate the .inf file name and location in the directory.

i. open device manager.

ii. Find FBV Express MKII in Sound, video and game controllers. Right click and select properties.

iii.  Click on the Events tab. In the "Description" column, there is "Device configured (wdma_usb.inf)" This is the file we need to edit to solve the re-enumeration problem.

iv. Locate the wdma_usb.inf file by opening file explorer and selecting you local disk (should be C: drive).

v. in search bar, type wdma_usb.inf and find the directory. Should be in a windows directory.

B. Copy wdma_usb.inf and save somewhere as a backup in case you make a mistake. (edit windows permissions as necessary)

i. in order to have permission to edit the file directory, open a command prompt as admin and enter command with specified directory path (could just be C:\windows if the file is in the windows directory).

command 1:  takeown /F "C:\Path\To\Your\File.inf" 

command 2: icacls "C:\Path\To\Your\File.inf" /grant yourusername:F

command to find your username: whoami

C. Once you have permissions set for the directory, open the wdma_usb.inf file in notepad ++ for easy editing.

D. In FBV MKII Express Properties in device manager, go to details tab. Under property pulldown menu, select hardware Ids. Copy you VID and PID to paste in the code below. (Should look similar to this: USB\VID_XXXX&PID_XXXX&REV_0100&MI_00)

E. Find the manufacturer name under "Manufacturer" in the property pull down menu. Mine is (Generic USB Audio)

F. Find the device name in the property pull down menu. (should be: FBV Express Mk II)

G. Enter necessary code where needed:



; Non-Localizable


REG_BINARY = 0x00000001


; Localizable

MfgName="(Generic USB Audio)"


USB\VID_XXXX&PID_XXXX&REV_0100&MI_00.DeviceDesc="FBV Express Mk II"

USB\VID_XXXX&PID_XXXX&REV_0100.DeviceDesc="FBV Express Mk II"


; Non-Localizable

Altec.Mfg="Altec Lansing"






%USB\VID_XXXX&PID_XXXX&REV_0100&MI_00.DeviceDesc%=USB_Install, USB\VID_XXXX&PID_XXXX&REV_0100&MI_00 


note: Only enter the code in the wdma_usb.inf where needed. Do not copy and paste and expect it to work. Double check and make sure Your VID, PID, manufacturer name, and device name are correct. 


H. Enter this code at the bottom. These are install instructions.










; Add any specific registry entries here if necessary


I. Save or replace with the edited wdma_usb.inf file in the original windows directory you found it in. (if permission error, make sure to return to step 2B for directions.


Step 3: Uninstall FBV MKII Express in device manager to ensure a fresh driver install upon reboot.

A. Find FBV MKII Express in Device Manager and go to properties.

B. Go to the driver tab and disable and enable the device. You can do this with a devcon command if you have WDK installed. (here are the directions to download devcon: The commands would look something like this:


command 1: "C:\Program Files (x86)\directory\to\devcon\folder\x64\devcon.exe" disable "USB\VID_XXXX&PID_XXXX&REV_0100&MI_00"
timeout /t 2 /nobreak >nul


command 2: "C:\Program Files (x86)\directory\to\devcon\folder\x64\devcon.exe" enable "USB\VID_XXXX&PID_XXXX&REV_0100&MI_00"


note: you can verify if it worked by checking the device status in the FBV MKII Express device manager properties. If the status is not working, then you are ready for a reboot to install the driver.


Step 4. Reboot and run FBV Control as administrator by right clicking and selecting run as admin.


This process worked for me and I was able to solve the re-enumeration problem. Hope this helps.














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