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Everything posted by welshboyo

  1. So using Helix in 4CM, therefore not requiring any modelling (well cabs anyway), do I need to be turning off or setting anything globally before I start to build presets etc. Totally comfortable with how 4CM works so don't need advice on that thanks..
  2. Sean, Looking at your Helix Ghetto 4 wire Demo - you mention in the notes that the Duende has had a mod done to the fx loop - I too am going to be running a Bogner - a Shiva and I'm keen to run different preamps into the Bogner Poweramp - what mod did you have done to the Duende and is it needed for the Deluxe preamp trick you did on the video?
  3. Update from PMT.....well not much of an update....still no news from UK distributor (Yamaha UK) as to when these units will be shipped, I'm still getting the whole Netherlands excuses at the moment. Frankly an absolutely shocking level of service from Line 6 and Yamaha UK on this, one click away from cancelling the whole thing...
  4. Yep, same here too, Current board (Strymons etc) giving me all that I need really....GRRR...its very annoying
  5. Yeah, I'm feeling the same, got quite a hectic gigging schedule up to Christmas and was hoping to have this in place...this "unknown" is a little shoddy, not Line 6's fault as much but more the distributors (Yamaha) and their updates to the stores on ETA's...I'm still waiting for PMT (where I pre-ordered months ago) to give a definitive..
  6. @FarleyUK Haha, yeah, PMT (where I ordered it from) must be fed up of hearing from me now, I'm like that kid in the back of car asking "are we there yet?"
  7. Same here, had the G system for quite a while, good unit apart from the "missing" fx and drives. I then went back to pedals, have a PT3 chock full of Strymons, Fulltones and Xotics etc with a Looper that also does Midi and amp switching. Saw the Helix and could see that it was miles ahead of what the G was (which was the easiest unit set-up wise out of everything) so pre-ordered it early on. It will be used in 4CM into a Bogner Shiva but also thinking the options for runninf a different flavour preamp into the poweramp for a few things and also the big big benefit - no further need for a backup amp at gigs - if the amp goes down I'm planning to have a bunch of backup presets which will allow me to rung direct into PA..
  8. hey jospehyballew, have you actually ordered a Helix?
  9. Could indeed be the droid we are looking for - Thanks
  10. Hi all, An early pre-order guy here... Just reading the manual, is there any way to "lock down" the parameters set at the Volume Knob - just thinking live set-up, last thing I need is to be worrying if I am pushing through enough volume to my rig especially with short set-up times etc that we get.. Talking purely 4CM here into an amp (Bogner Shiva) using the amps drive - will this volume knob affect both front end volume (thus decreasing/increasing gain) and FX loop insert (thus affecting overall Poweramp volume)
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