So, a few more details and clarifications I learned. First, there is definitely no support for a toe switch on the HX Effects at present, although, supposedly, it may be enabled in future firmware or an updated product. Second, the Mission Engineering pedal with the switch does, in fact, have it on the toe (sorry if I was unclear on that earlier). Finally, and most importantly, after a quick chat with the Mission Engineering folks today I found out that you can easily remove the toe switch from the model that has one and, if at a later date you want to add it back in to use with a product that does support it, you can.
All you have to do is remove the bottom plate of the pedal, disconnect the wire connector and small circuit board attached to the switch, use 9/16" wrench to remove the bolt holding the toe switch and you're done. It obviously leaves a small circular hole where the switch was, but you can tape over it. I just did this earlier this evening and it was very easy and now the pedal works just fine. It also removes the feel of the toe switch at the bottom, slightly increases the throw of the pedal and gives me the flexibility to add it back later should I choose to do so.
Now, I can use the pedal as a volume pedal, wah, or to modulate virtually any other parameter in real time, so I think it does have real benefits over just a simple volume pedal.
Bottom line, my purchase "mistake" turned out to work quite well.
Hope this helps.