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  1. Hi I have recently downloaded Helix Native 1.01 to try out the trial version in Ableton The Ableton version I am using is 9.7.5 (64 Bit) After the plugin has been installed, I can see it in the Audio Units section in my plugins. However when I double click the Helix Native audio unit the plugin does not launch. I also tried dragging it into an audio track, same result. I have tried rescanning my plugins and restarting Ableton, same result. Any idea how I can resolve this? Also during the installation process the installer states that the plugin will be installed to varios locations below AU Plug-in: /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/Helix Native.component VST2 Plug-in: /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/Line 6/Helix Native.vst VST3 Plug-in: /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3/Line 6/Helix Native.vst3 AAX Plug-in: /Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins/Line 6/Helix Native.aaxplugin VST3,Audio Unit Component and AAX are all installed as expected but the VST is not. Is this simply an error in the documentation? As it does state elsewhere that on AU, VST3 and AAX is supported.
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