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Everything posted by ftc111172

  1. Hi! I have test now the LVM on the DT 25 and works really really good. With the full power mode i was not happy and i get not the Sound that i want. So i would Change the System from a Amp to a Atomic Reactor FRFR wedge . Near my home someone will sell it for very cheap Money 210 Euros is more ore less 180 Dollars. So i dont know what i should do.? Should i buy it or not? For my Variax and the Acoustic Simulation The FRFR Wedge are not Bad or? Hope someone can help me and sorry for my bad english! Cu Fritz P.s.: Can i integrate the DT 25 and the Atomic to the Helix so that i can send the Acoustic Simulation to the Atomic and The E-Guitar Sound to the Dt25?
  2. Hi! Have someone experience with the fremen pack in combination with Variax-Helix and DT 25? Cu Fritz
  3. Hi! I have also the Helix with the DT25. Can Anybody make a screenshot of the Clobal IQ Settings. and what is your Settings for the Low and High Cut if you use a Cab or a IR? cu Ftc
  4. It works also with the Standart Variax! You must Change the Settings from Preset to Global! Than it works! Cu Ftc
  5. Have Update to 2.0 and works great! Also the new 3 Snapshot patches from Glenn are so Hot!! Cu Fritz
  6. ftc111172

    Lock the patch

    Hi! I have the Problem that i adjust the patch with the foot unwittingly sometimes. Its possible that i can lock the patch? Cu Fritz P.s.: Sorry for my bad English
  7. Hi! Have you Upload the Tone to line 6? I would like to test ist with my Select Strat!! Maybe you can upload it! Cu and Thanks Fritz
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