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  1. Hi, Im using LINE 6 POD STUDIO UX2 with my DAW - Reaper. Whenever Reaper crashes, I get the "There was an error while opening your audio hardware: Error initializing ASIO driver" statement. My line 6 UX2 interface cannot be reinitialized in Reaper without reattaching it. But the UX2 interface works fine with all other programs. Is there a way to reinitialize asio for UX2 in Reaper without having to reboot everytime? (I'm running 32 bit windows 7 - I have the same OS on my notebook and the problem does not occur there so the UX2 is not broken). My sample rate is 128 on UX2 and reaper project, but this issue occurs regardless of what sample rate I use. I've searched the forum for solutions to this but haven't found one. I did everything from the sticky topic. It's a bit tiring... Any solutions I am missing??? Thanks
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