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  1. Before anyone judges my post by the subject alone, I would like to note that I am not attempting to use VDI, simply 1/4" setup. I am toying with the idea of using the 4-cable method and buying 4 separate wireless systems to make it cable-free. I am wondering (from experienced wireless users and/or audio engineering experience people) if this is a bad idea. I would love nothing more than than to have to never mess with cables again, but I am wondering how much signal loss and/or hum I will get from this. I would like to hear some advice, warnings and educated coaching on this matter. Is it plausible?
  2. Yes, it is. What you'll need to do is look in the Appendix of your POD's manual at the "MIDI codes" reference table. This will tell you the code to program a specific patch to a specific button. I.e., if you want the midi controller's first button to select 1A from the POD, the code you need to program on the midi controller's first button is "00." As well as using the midi controller to select presets/patches from the POD, you can also program a button to activate delay, mod, stomp without having to change your banks, as well. I.e. the midi code for "delay on/off" could be "58" (using a random number, this isn't the actual code). Say you're on bank 1A with no delay, hit a button with the "58" code stored and you could stay on 1A and just add a delay.
  3. My advice is to go Guitar>Amp>FX Send>POD Input then POD output>FX return. This (in my opinion) the best setup for amps as far as keeping the inegrity of the signal. When I run the guitar straight into the POD and then into the amp, I lose integrity. In other words, when I switch on my distortion, it loses a lot of gain, even if/when I can get my clean channel to sound almost identical. The only problem is if your amp doesn't have a footswitchable FX loop button. Surprisingly, many amps don't, but if your amp does, go with the FX loop. If you DO go with the FX loop, make sure to check the rear panel of your POD (the panel with all the input/output jacks) and set the "Amp/Line" switch to "Line." This will give you the purest tone (in my opinion) as it switches the POD to "studio direct mode," which bypasses the POD's preamps and only adds on the effects you assign. I hope this helps! Also, I would like to add that I'm playing through an Egnater Vengeance, which is a pretty high quality amp, so the scenario could be 100% using a Marshall Valvestate. If you try my recommendation and aren't satisfied with it, please don't think any lesser of me, it's just what I've found that works for me! :)
  4. This is because the POD adjusts the output settings based off to what you say you're connecting. In other words, when you run the front of your amp and you set your POD accordingly, it takes some lows out and drops the volume. It actually tells you how it is correcting your sound right next to the selection you make. The studio direct is actually what you're supposed to use when running into an effects loops, believe it or not. On a side note, while running into your FX loop, make sure that you switch the POD from "amp" to "line." This can be done if you look at the output volume knob on the rear panel of the POD. Hope this helps!
  5. Hi, OP, firstly I'd like to say that the guitarist you're attempting to emulate is using a Diezel, which is a very high-end amp, thus it will be veeerrrryy difficult to emulate. My best advice is to select a Treadplate amp model. I don't have a 2.0, I have a POD XT Live, but it has the Treadplate Dual amp model, which models a Mesa Dual Rec. It's a distortion that is saturated and has a clean sort of a low-end that doesn't muddy up your sound. If the POD 2.0 has a Treadplate Dual amp model, I would definitely tell you that this may be as close as you can get to the amp in that video. As far as setting, use set your Bass around 2 o'clock, Mids around 9 o'clock, Treble around 2 or 3 o'clock. Once you have the EQ you desire, begin elevating the Amp volume and Drive back and forth until you find the right volume and Saturation you like. Remember that "more Drive" isn't usually the answer. Be mindful of how it will sound when a full band is playing, as what sounds good playing solo isn't always the same as what sounds good with a full band and your amp cranked to volume. Hope this helps!
  6. The way to see what version you have is to hit the "Output Mode" button under the LED display and use the roller knob on the left-hand side of the LED display to scroll all the way to the last page and it will tell you your version. Hope this helps! Another way to tell is to hook up your POD to your computer (either via MIDI or USB) and open the program Line 6 Monkey. On the home screen it tells you which version you have versus the newest version available. Good luck!
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