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  1. Hello. I'm starting a repo to which upload source code for TCDDK effects, it is still a work in progress but I hope we can share code and knowledge. I've already upload code for a Tap Tremolo effect.
  2. Hello @svetlosivilo! Have you code something for the TCDDK? Would you like me to share the code? (But first I need to find it, probably I have it on a previous machine).
  3. Hi. Here is the object file of the tremolo effect I made. You have to flash the MCU with this file, follow the instructions in the TCDDK User Guide to do this. Because I've modified the MCU code, maybe you won't be able to download new DSP code by the "traditional way", so, if you want to try another code, you have to reflash de MCU with the default template. The controls are: Knob1: Depth Knob2: Speed Knob3: Symetry/Duty Cycle Knob4: Not used Knob5: Rhythm Knob6: Not used Switch1: Wave shape Switch2: Not used Tapping tempo will overwrite speed knob setting and viceversa. The rhythm knob has six figures: - Whole notes (full counter clockwise). - Quarter notes. - Dotted quarter notes. - Eight notes. - Triplet. - Sixteenth notes (full clockwise). The wave shapes are: - Sine (left position). - Linear (middle position). - Square (Right position). Tell me if you need some help. Have fun with DSP! :)
  4. Well, the TCDDK is a good platform, maybe we can share what we found working on that, I have made an improvement for the template that a want to improve further when I find some time. Just tell me and we can help each other.
  5. I haven't used the kit for some time, but I'd like to have some time to continue experimenting with it. I have knowledge of some other platforms for audio effects development, like the FV-1 from Spin Semiconductor or The OWL, an open source platform. Another possibility could be to make your own development platform, I think its not so hard, you can learn a lot from the documentation of the ToneCore DSP dev kit or The OWL, maybe you can use an ARM and an AVR processor, both has open source compilers that runs on multiple platforms, so the toolchain would be more versatile. If you like the last idea, I'm willing to help you with that, just tell me, or maybe we can continue developing with the ToneCore.
  6. Hi. If you want to work on a Mac, you have to setup a virtual machine with Windows XP 32-bits and then, download and install the tools from here The tools come with an user's guide with the steps to download the code to the MCU and DSP. Try downloading the provided templates.
  7. Hi. I've made a simple tap tremolo effect, if you want to give it a try, I can share you the object file.
  8. Hi. Yes, I'm working with the TCDDK. Take a look to this post
  9. Hello. Which virtual machine are you using? I'm using Virtualbox, on which I've installed Win XP SP3 32 bits, on Debian Jessie and all works fine. I also recommend you to read my post Maybe it can make working on the TCDDK easier and it enable some useful things. Thanks.
  10. Hi. I have developed an alternative work flow for the ToneCore DSP kit. It allows, mainly, the use of DC and similar assembly directives in P, X, Y and L DSP memory spaces and the control of the led's brightness through PWM. The former can be useful to create lookup tables or filter coefficients files directly from high level languages like C, Octave or Matlab without wasting P RAM on the DSP. The last can be used for example to make the leds follow the envelope of a tremolo effect or something like that. It includes MCU and DSP templates and instructions on how to make things work. I hope this will be useful for someone. I appreciate any questions or suggestions. If someone have problems with this, I am willing to help. I must say that my native language is not English, so, I apologize for my bad English. Here is the link to download:
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