Hi @HeathDaddy and others on this thread...
TLDR: possible solution: take out any SD card you might have in the Surface Pro's built-in reader.
I've had exactly the same problem as you, same fault offset in the event log and been trying to fix. I am also on a surface pro that has worked with HX Edit fine until this upgrade
I was talking to support at Line6 who asked me to check the Disk 0 thing that has been mentioned in this thread. I had already checked that and hx edit was correctly on disk 0, but I went ahead and checked it anyway.
On mine there was a second disk listed which is because I use a micro SD card in the Surface Pros built-in memory card reader. I decided to pop that out to make sure that i only had a single disk 0 and then HX Edit magically opened up! popped the card back in and HX Edit crashed on start up again before any dialog appeared.
I've also noted that if I take the same SD card and add it to the system through a USB card reader (on the same drive letter) it lists exactly the same in the system and in disk partition utilities but HX edit opens just fine, so there's something specific about the way that Microsoft mount the inbuilt card reader that is mucking HX edits start up code (in my case)
There's obviously something wrong with they way they go through the disks at start-up, maybe they were trying to fix disk 0 and they've caused something else? I don't know, but at least I can open it again! I've written back to line 6 to tell them that the SD card reader was causing it to crash and to reiterate that this was working fine before the upgrade (even with an SD card in), but hopefully any SP users out there struggling can get on with editing their presets now!