Okay, one of my 9V AC adapters for M9 had gone funky and I first thought the transformer was the issue, and went ahead with getting cheap replacement transformer. It turned out to be a broken cable inside the bushing at the secondary, and I got it taken care of, being left with an idle 9VAC 400mA (3.6VA) trans on hand.
As a matter of fact, I had ended up buying a lower capacity trans (3.6VA) by mistake, which overheated during use and failed to deliver constant output, leaving M9's display blank with colored back-light, nothing legible, while the sound coming out fine. So I bought another power adapter of same make, cracked the case and took out the transformers, and wired them in parallel to produce 800mA (7.2VA), and found them working all day. The transformers would heat up to a modest temperature but not to the point of failure.
Then I wondered what to do with the case, and after looking around I found a cool looking soap box at a dollar shop, and after some thinking I came up with an easy solution involving double sided cushion tape for mounting the transformers and narrow double sided tape for fixing the top and the bottom of the box. (I had bought the tape previously at dollar shop too)
Cables were put through the drain holes at the bottom so I didn't have the trouble of drilling holes. Done cheap and easy.