If you are obsessed with renaming HX Stomp Snapshots so they actually mean something .... or ... you're determined to outwit whoever decided this wasn't important for HX Stomp users, but for Helix Floor users - "yes, we'll let you rename snapshots" ... or ....
After a "bit" of trial & error (.hlx file scheme is a bit wonky!), I've deciphered how to do this ... it's easy (ish)
To help you out, I've attached an "rtf" format file as an example. To check out the rtf file you'll need a text editor that supports this common format.
It's rtf format so I could HIGHLIGHT AND BOLD IN RED where the snapshot names are, along with the preset name that will be displayed in HX Edit on the Stomp.
Also attached is the .hlx file with renamed snapshots if you want to import it into HX Edit for reference.
You will have to export each preset you want to rename the snapshots for
You will have to use a basic text editor to edit each .hlx file
There are restrictions on how many characters in a snapshot and preset name, the attached sample file contains the max number of characters that will be displayed in HX Edit or on the Stomp
Order of snapshots in the .hlx file DOES NOT match order of snapshots as seen in HX Edit i.e. "Snapshot 2" in HX Edit is not second snapshot you'll come across in the .hlx file
How To:
Open the .hlx file in your text editor
Find/replace the snapshot names and/or the preset name, using the attached files as a guide
Save file, keeping .hlx extension
Import .hlx file into HX Edit
2CH 2Guitars Template.hlx 2CH 2Guitars Template colors.rtf