Okay, let me first say, I have plenty of common sense and I could easily infer a conclusion that has high probability of being accurate. Actually, I already do have an assumption that I'm pretty sure is reflective of the fact. But I dont know it to be a fact so I'm only looking for the people who know the facts, i.e. cite me a source or give me directions where I can find the information cause I've look and quite frankly, this is not my area of expertise so I dont know what is marketing BS phrasing to sell an item cause it leads people to believe 2 things are the same when in fact they are not vs statements of factual reference. So the question is, are the fx in the POD go the same exact algorithms and scrip as Helix FX or Not? Either they are or they are not. So if you have to add some bit of information, clarify or say "Yes, But..." Then for my purposes, thats a no. And actually truth be told, all I want is a yes or no. Cause if the answer is they are the same, then thats all I need to know. But if the answer is no, then I will go do the research myself. I dont mind trying to find out the information. but looking for something that possibly doesn't exist would mean a lot of wasted time if they are the same. Unfortunately, no offense to anyone here but the trolls, we all know they exists and the fact I have said I'll continue the research if I'm told no they are not the same means I I have to have a reason from you as to why you would say that just cause I dont trust anyone and I dont wanna waste my time doing research cause some guy, kid i mean, parents hate him. I dont know if they beat him, but they dont love him so he then find joy is infecting the world with negative troll energy! Sorry, everyone pays the price for that. Its like I dont during a storm thinking every bolt of lighting is the one that was suppose to kill me. But I also dont carry a metal umbrella around holding it up so that on homicidal bolt of lighting knows where the easy kill is. Let me just end by saying as heavy handed as this comment is, it is no where close to accurately being a reflection of this community. cause 99% of the people here are awesome dude who are great guitarist, or even better, new guitarists who dont care about how they sound today, they keep practicing cause they know tomorrow they will play something they are proud of. I know thats most people here. But thats all I needed, 2 sentences and 99% of the people get it. Some troll is still not gonna get the fact that I know they are out there, and I'm more than happy to embarrass you. But without this, then when I'm a lollipop in return, doesnt that just make me a troll too? But I've laid out the rules of the game, so I take no issue in treating anyone like a POS if thats how they wanna be treated. Everyone else gets respect and should someone say something profound out side of anything I considered, well, I'll let you know the day that happens. but i do say thank you to people who correct any information that I have got wrong. I could care less about winning arguments, all I want is to leave a conversation with the most accurate information we can figure out together that accurate. This is my first comment in this group, and thats why this is detailed. Cause I'll keep this so people can reference the fact I dont change my tune and should I say anything that conflicts with what I've stated today, I'd expect to be held accountable. So not that I've said what I've had to say, I wont have to say it again and lets get on with business!