-ok yes I confirm: 13 ms of latency with 512 of buffering
if I lower the buffering (256,128,64) I start to hear problems in the sound as if the PC was struggling, like a "ruined" sound
usually everyone tells me that with high buffering there is latency, fortunately there are no problems or I was ruined haha
- on the issue of not hearing the audio track now I'm devastated, tomorrow I'll follow your advice and tell you, but this is not a worrying problem, it's Cubase which is made for aerospace engineers
- the issue that worries me the most is losing the sound card, it's as if it were disconnected and I no longer hear anything either in Cubase or outside of Cubase (youtube for example, or music in general) and I have no way of fixing it, I have to turn off the card audio, turn it back on and everything is fine again.
So is it a problem of open windows? Cubase, Internet etc?
I had opened them before and it did so after a couple of hours of work...are you sure it's not a problem with the tired PC or sound card? It happened to me a few times even with amplitube, rare, and always after prolonged use....