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  1. It might not be a normal self repair situation but there are no line6 service technicians in the country I live in so I’d like to first just try and figure out what the issue is. Where might be a good place for me to start? I do have experience and understanding in certain aspects of electrical engineering.
  2. So I recently got a Variax limited and have been using it for a few weeks now, today I go to plug it in and there’s nothing. So I check the battery and found that it wasn’t charged so I charged it, I come back and try it and still nothing. The magnetics work but the modelling doesn’t, I tried with a battery and 1/4 cable, I tried with a battery and a variax cable, and without a battery and a variax cable, still none of the modelling works, and the magnetics don’t work through the variax cable like usual, basically everything variax has stopped working. I’ve never had this happen and the instrument is still new, I don’t remember anything weird happening, as far as I remember I played it last night just fine with the modelling. What can I do to try and fix this and what can I do to try and diagnose the problem? thanks so much in advance! to note: workbench hd is also not recognising the guitar.
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