I have got the unit since almost a year now. During this period I have always used the G70: on rehearsals, at home and all the gigs too with my band (~3 gigs a month), mainly with electric guitar (lately I used it with an acoustic too). I utilize the scenes on the receiver, I have 2 scenes, one with a 6 dB boost for nice sustain with single coils. During my use of the G70 I had only one gig where I experienced two 1 second dropouts during a 1 hour show. At that gig there were many strong wifi hot spots in the area, during the channel scan I saw lots of traffic in the form of those little bars on the scan screen. Apart from that gig I had no dropout problems at gigs. Ah no, sorry I had one gig outdoors where the sun was shining so hot on my pedals that I could barely touch the receiver unit. There I had 2 1 sec droputs during a solo, and when I tried to look at the unit after the song I saw that it has just turned itself off (I guess to protect itself from the heat). After a half hour cool down time it was back in operation again and working without problems since then. My home/rehearsal experience I already described here, nothing changed since then.