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  1. Well, this is embarrassing. After a complete machine rebuild (literally tore it down to the bare case, 'cos I had to fix some cooling issues and change the SSDs) and reinstall...same problem. I was about to give up, when I just happened to misclick in my Line6 account and...the blank screen was because I'd run out of authorisations. FFS. On the bright side, I can confirm that it works brilliantly with wine-staging 7.4 and yabridge. Does anyone know if the blank screen issue (well, you get the Helix background and "Welcome") is what normally happens under Windows if you run out of authorisations?
  2. For what it's worth...I've completely failed to get this working with 3.11+, wine-staging (any version from 6.9 up to 7.0) and yabridge. In fact, it's now irrevocably broken my installation, and I can't get any version of Helix Native running, even reverting to the Ubuntu default wine packages and using lin-vst again. I'm actually nearing the point of giving up with this. I can't just do a fresh install, as this is the machine I do all my work on. Ugh :(
  3. It might, but the USB drivers wouldn't and so it'd have no way to talk to the Helix. While I can see a potential future where Line 6 fix the sample rate bug in the Helix (it doesn't report the available sample rates in a class-compliant way, so Linux can't use it as an audio interface without a hack in the ALSA drivers which fixes the sample rate at 48kHz), I can't see them ever developing drivers for Linux.
  4. Bit of a necro-bump, but...after a successful test at rehearsal last week, I'm using the Helix LT with the JCA50H in 4CM. It sounds absolutely awesome for heavy rock and metal tones. I'm using the crunch channel with the gain maxed for rhythm (boosted with the Timmy model, to take into account the Lace Sensors on my main guitar), then switching to the drive channel for gain and level boost for solos. Cleans are mostly done by rolling off the volume on the guitar (yes, even with the Timmy in front of the amp's preamp), but there are a couple of songs where I disable the amp's preamp and use the SLO clean model in the Helix. The one thing you have to watch is the signal level going back into the amp's loop return. Because the loop on the 50H and 100H (but not the 22H or Custom 22) sits between the main gain stages and the tone stack, you have to be careful not to drive the tone stack too particular, not harder than the preamp would do, otherwise you get a nasty fizzy overtone. Also, if you have your reverbs and delays after the preamp, then you need to keep the mix slightly lower than you normally would because the tone stack does distort a bit at normal levels (I believe this is what gives the Jet City and Soldano amps their familiar "zing") and so you get a bit of compression and thus slightly louder repeats than you'd expect.
  5. @ara_ - the above guide should get you going. Specifically, the bits about putting your user in the audio group and installing WINE libraries via winetricks.
  6. Apologies for the massive delay, guys. Real life (and trying to herd the rest of my band into recording the album) has got in the way ;) Anyway, here are the instructions for installing and using Helix Native on Linux (the process works with Ubuntu 17.10, but also 18.04 and hopefully later versions), specifically with the Windows version of Reaper: Once that's done, reboot (if you missed that step) to get the lowlatency kernel running and run Cadence; you'll need to configure your interface (usually just click Configure, select the interface from the dropdown, then set the number of inputs and outputs and configure the buffer for your desired sample rate and buffer size - it's all in there). Fire up Reaper and open the Tools -> Preferences dialog, select Device in the left hand side, and select WineASIO as the driver, then select the inputs/outputs you want as you would if this was running in Windows. Create a track, open the FX dialog, choose Helix Native and you're off! This is also the start of the process for getting it to work with natively Linux-based DAWs (using the lin-vst wrapper), but I'm afraid that's going to have to wait for another day. EDIT: For what it's worth, when I originally did this I had the same problem as @eprincen with keystrokes not being accepted by the Native window. However, with the latest version of everything (Native included), it works flawlessly.
  7. Yep, I reckon it should work just fine. Right, I'm gonna clear some time this weekend, wipe the laptop and figure out a decent starting point for the guide. Assuming, of course, that I can figure it out a second time :D
  8. Thanks! I was actually thinking more in terms of folk like myself - Helix owners who use Linux for recording, but for whom Native would represent the removal of a major barrier to spur-of-the-moment recording. I already know a few Linux users in that position, who reboot into Windows to use Native, but that's a major frustration (and it's often easier just to pull the Helix out and plug it all in).
  9. UPDATE: Instructions for installation further down the page Not sure if any of you folks out there are in Linux-land, but after an SSD failure yesterday I took the opportunity to rebuild my machine with a clean version of Ubuntu 17.10 and WINE (I record using Reaper). Instead of using the Windows version of Reaper, I installed the Linux native version, and then spent the evening futzing about in a last attempt to get Helix Native working. The result... That's Helix Native running under WINE inside Reaper running natively (with lin-vst as the wrapper). It works fantastically well; even patches which would max out a hardware Helix are using just 3% of the available CPU capacity (it's an i7 6700), with no additional latency compared to other amp sims. I is a happy camper :) I couldn't find any info about the process other than the maintainer of lin-vst dropping some hints (and he missed out some major gotchas). Is there any appetite for a guide on how to install it, or is it just me who wants this and nobody else cares?
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