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  1. I have a Bugera 333XL and a 6260 (with the 4x12 cabs) - the infinium models -. I can say nothing bad about them. they sound very good for the price you pay for it. And i've been gigging with them for about 3 years now, never ran into any problems. I also have been using the POD XT Live (i know its outdated), HD300 and the HD500x as a preamp with the poweramps of the bugera's and i'm very pleased with the sound. (6260 -> 6L6 i belive and the 333xl -> E34 --- i could be wrong thought). The bugera speakers does sound a bit darker and heavier than other cabs though, so keep that in mind.
  2. I've been a pod xt live user for more then 10 years now and am currently looking into upgrading my rig. I've been comparing the PRO HD X with some other multieffects pedals / racks and I think this is the best value for money (altough i'm quite biased because i've used line 6 gear that long) But being a purchase of about € 950 (rack + footcontroller) i have a few questions. I know the hd pro is practicly a hd500x but in rack form and with a lot more routing options. So I was wondering if it is possible to send a preset WITH cabinet simulation to the XLR output and simulatniously send the same preset WITHOUT cabinet simulation to the 1/4 jack outputs. (this is so i can send the simulated preset to front of house , but still have a good tube amp with me on stage) I'm currenly also looking into the Digitech GSP 1101 (which i know can do that sort of routing) but am afraid of the preamp qualitys (i do not want to spend money to sound worse than my XT Pro Live now) Next question : if i compare price with the hd500x (being +- € 450) and the hd pro x + footcontroller (being +- 950), its a pretty huge price diffrence (at least in my opinion) does this mean that the hd pro x contains all amp model packs aswell (or do you still neet to buy the model packs to ?) , because if i where to buy all the model packs to , total price would be above € 1000 and thath i could very wel just find a good use axe fx ultra. Which i'm guessing (i've never heard one) has a far superior tone. If anyone would give me tips, pointer of some information regard text above, I would very much appreciate it. Thanks in advance
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