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  1. Idea 5096: Variax + Helix = awesome Guitar MIDI controller
  2. Do you think there is something incorrect (when compared to normal/original guitars) or is it just different from 1.9 (in which case you could just adjust your amp to get what you want/like).
  3. If I had ment Nylon String Classical, I would have written classical, without quotes :-) But I ment electric guitar classical, which today might mean Clapton/CCR era ? Though I have (more or less) amateur-seriously studied and played real classical guitar & music for about five years. Just played my JTV-69S shortly and each time I play, the more I like the neck. Currently I have no problems at all with it. Only my playing sucks too often, not depending on the guitar I play :-)
  4. Are the fretboards on different jtv models much different in width and string spacing and e-string distance from fretboard edge? It seems the nut width in jtv69s is very slightly narrower than in my "custom shop designed" baja mexico strat 69 (or whatever it exactly is called). Didn't compare distance between E-strings. I have read the USA stratos have strings spread wider. So far I've had no problems with e string slipping from fretboard, but my playing style is "classical". I also like the neck as whole. When I was younger I might have preferred a thin neck, but I don't feel my 2013 jtv69S neck is thick.
  5. Now (also) I know that the filled and re-filed nut slots won't fix the problem, although it helps a bit. Changing the E-string to a new 0.010 didn't help either. I think the string bounces up and down in the slot. A string tree is required to pull down the strings, at least the B and E -strings. It's a pitty there is this kind of factory born "feature" in an otherwise great guitar. Easy fix though.
  6. If you think of patch or bank numbers, number up or down, the current logic feels more natural. Instead, if you think of "forward" or "backwards/rewind", then the opposite functionality might be better, imo. I think I would choose the current one, if I had a choise.
  7. If you look at the main image on Graphtec Black TUSQ XL -web page, you see very similarly cut nut, the slots for E-G strings are pretty wide, also at the bottom. One difference is that in JTV the strings pass the nut much more straight.
  8. Suggestion: We can all read instructions, and some of us can even follow the instructions and have skills to do that. Would you be so kind to provide us with enough information to make the adjustments ourselves, e.g. Pickup heights and so on? Though I don't know how much there is beyond a normal guitar setup.
  9. Thanks psarkissian. I don't believe in fret buzz because the buzz disappears if I slightly press the string, behind the nut. Didn't record that, though. But you could be right otherwise. Just wondering if they would fix this in local service in country where I live, in the same area. I think last time I sent the DT25 to service in Germany, perhaps because it was after all easier that way (as I recall the service was in an other town and I should have paid the postage, but sending it back to Germany was free for me). Well, i'll need to check that. And register the product...
  10. As you see, the string travels quite straight over the nut, so the downwards force must be (and is) quite small. That combined with quite flat bottom of the nut slot lets it vibrate easily, I believe, letting it generate the buzz. edit: Or it could be what you said. As you may see, the front of the E-string nut slot has kind of polished. Don't know if that's because of vibration or just because of normal wear. Perhaps using file to slightly lower the rear portion of the slot would help. Perhaps few touches with a fret file would be all that's needed. But I would hate to pay another 50€ extra to get that fixed (including all strings), as much I would hate to send the guitar back. Let's see.
  11. Sort of agree, but this is me, sorry :-). The three alternatives you gave are quite different. I'm trying to avoid sending the guitar back to the seller, since it would take few weeks or more, if possible. But since I promised to deliver the seller some info, I'll show also you "the evidence". See the attached MP3 and few photos. To me the tuner heights seem quite normal as they get shorter towards the lighter strings. I know I should make a service ticket to get official Line6 feedback on the subject, but if someone from Line6 sees this, I'd be glad to hear their opinion. JTV69S_EString_Buzz.mp3
  12. Measured 0.24mm, divided by 25.4 mm results as 0.00984 inches so I'd say 10s. The first three nut slots are 0.52mm (0.020 inches), 0.56mm and 0.62mm wide measured near the top. The slot gets a bit narrower towards the bottom, my quess is to about 0.16 inches. So there is a 1.5x slot compared to the string width. My bet is that has come from the factory, since the slot looks pretty clean if I look at it with a 10x loupe.
  13. I trust you, but "you never know"... :-) I'd just be interested to know if the nut slots in other similar guitars are completely different or almost the same (but they just happen to work). It is not that usual to play the high E-string open and hit it hard, without other strings ringing and masking the rattle inaudible. So I think it is possible some just won't notice this. I'm sure I can manage fixing it myself, actually my friend has nut slot files. Just trying to find out if contacting the seller (company in another country) is waste of time, or if they could provide me with real improvement, like a new (different) nut or such. Thanks anyway!
  14. Anyone else willing to actually check the nut slot width and confirm if the high E string moves sideways when moved with fingers? Thanks! I think 69 and 69S would do, either one.
  15. Well, actually more or less all strings are loose in the nut slot, also G and D (looked with a loupe). Looks like the slots for the higher strings are roughly the same width, so the thinnest strings with weakest pull down suffer most of this rattle. I quess/remember the nut in JTVs is some sort of graphite (or such) version for easier string movement, with less friction, so perhaps the slots are supposed to be a bit wider than normal?
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