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  1. Is this why my Mac Ableton 64 bit won't see the Pod Farm vst? Will Pod Farm vst not work with Ableton 64 bit OSX version?
  2. Hi, A few years back I was working on a track in Ableton on a PC. I recorded dry guitars through Gear Box Stereo, then added Pod Farm as a VST for tones. Now I am in a different country from that PC, I have a Mac and I have my old files. I have opened the session, it tells me it can't find Pod Farm or GearBox . I have deauthorized my old computer, authorised this one, downloaded a bunch of stuff (PodFarm 2.0. GearBox etc) Ableton will see the folders with all those things in them but won't recognise any files, only folder names, so won't let me drag anything onto a track and still says it can't find Pod Farm or GearBox Stereo. I try dragging the old .dll files from my windows hard drive across to the Mac but maybe these are Windows only .dll files, I don't know. What are the steps I need to take to get my Mac Ableton to open up Pod Farm and play the old patches I had? P.S. I don't have any of my line6 equipment with me, it's in another country, so Line6 Monkey doesn't want to hear about it. :) Any help appreciated.
  3. Hi there Thanks I tried those two big ones to no avail and then found this This person said they removed all the screws 'don't worry nothing is attached' I'll try contacting him/her,, Matt
  4. Cant seem to find how to upload a photo but there are a lot of screws on the bottom, like at least 25 I'm picking thats lots of things mounted to the base. If I take them all out things are going to get messy inside and I'm going to have more than one loose part I am picking..
  5. Hi I have had 2 pod xt live, 2 pod x3 live, HD Pro and HD 500 (is that what it is called) so I like the line 6 stuff. Right now I am in Thailand for extended period of time without my rig, so I just bought a Pod Floor Plus at a second hand store, and came across another so grabbed that also. One of them has something loose inside. You shake it and it rattles. I don't think there is a service centre in Northern Thailand. I know I will void my warranty if I open it but I don't think I am going to use the warranty so I want to open it up. Gee there are a lot of screws on the bottom. Which screws shall I take out to disassemble enough to identify the loose part and repair? The unit works fine by the way, I just want to keep it that way. I'm thinking with some help from others here we can work it out. Thanks Matt
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