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Everything posted by Vacantplanet

  1. No offense take at all, sir. And I digress that is off-topic, so I'll return to the topic at hand. Is there some kind of power amp modeling included in the cab blocks that would hinder/alter the tone if replaced? And again, cheers for Igloo.
  2. If that's truly the case, could we perhaps get the percentages on the Eq's fixed? That's one of the top 3 complaints about the HDs. You can scour the board and see multiple instances of users being unsatisfied with how the EQs present their settings. Also, is there ANY chance of new amp models (5150, Diezal, ext?) Many users have said they'd gladly pay for more amps, myself being among them. And thank you, Igloo, you're one of the only representatives on here that have actually responded to people.
  3. I think it'd be great to add IR functionality, even if it takes up more DSP. Alot of guys right now run 3 or 4 eqs to get a desirable sound or to try and dial unwanted artifacts from the stock cabs. How much DSP does that consume compared the proposed 512-point IR? If this cab thing actually becomes a reality and a few more amps, a happy camper I'll be!
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