What's up guys?
I'm looking for advice and to possibly start a discussion on different methods of using multiple instruments (specifically bass and keys) on the Helix in a Praise and Worship setting.
I have and DeepMind 6 and BassStation II that I want to start incorporating into my workflow for sub-bass sounds, pads, and drones during specific parts of service.
First thing that comes to mind is how little I use effects while playing bass. I usually play a GK PLEX and roll with it. So, transferring that same approach to the Helix, I have a lot of foot switches I could potentially use here - play programed chords, play a sub bass line to reinforce my stringed bass, change keys patches, use the volume pedal to fade from bass to keys, etc.
I think my main obstacle right now is I don't know how to route 2 instruments in and out of the helix (or at least the proper way) nor do I know what this template would look like.
How else are you guys setting up the Helix as the core of routing and processing multiple instruments?
Cheers from Louisiana!