Hey Everyone,
I was running my Black Russian Big Muff (chicken head knobs) through the effects loop of the helix, as this is a big part of my sound, and was comparing/trying to get a similar tone out of the helix triangle fuzz. I noticed a couple big differences and was hoping some of you might be able to steer me in the right direction. The biggest difference and one that bugged me the most is how much more bottom end and punch the Russian BM had, I attempted at running a compressor and then an EQ(firstly by themselves, then together) before/after the Triangle Fuzz and didn't seem to be able to get it to do what I wanted at all. I also noticed that the sustain on the Russian at about 2 O'clock seemed to be hotter than the Triangle Fuzz at 10. This might be slightly due to the low end loss though.
I tried out my rat in the effects loop against the Vermin Dist and noticed very similar results, losing that low end grit to it.
Just curious if you lovely people have any suggestions for beefing those up!
Thanks in advanced!