So I tinkered around with some settings in the Spider V Remote application to try and get a nice deep, scooped, chug sound and while I don't think I'm quite there yet, I thought I'd share my progress:
The gating settings.
The "Screamer" pedal for a Stomp setting
the Amp/Distortion/Drive settings for the "Amp" setting.
the EQ band
A chous mod
finally, some reverb to round it all out
I'm using a Line 6 Spider V 30 MkII amp with an ESP M-10 guitar customized with a Seymour Duncan "Dimebucker" pickup on the bridge and D'Addario EXL125 Nickel Wound 9|46 strings. Also, to be completely honest: I am currently playing at CGCFAD tuning, so the chug I've created had a bit of help.
Also, I'm including the "customtone" I saved for the preset so you can play around with it.
Key Distortion.svl6p