As I noticed a lot of folks like myself are selling assorted pieces of gear to fund their Helix, I thought I would share what I did with Guitar Center.
They Buy used gear. Now of course they are not paying top dollar, but considering listing and selling and shipping and frankly just taking all the pictures for ebay, they did right by me and of course were more willing to buy as I was open about using the money to fund a new piece of gear. Additionally, and I'm not sure this is all GC's, but they give an additional discount if you are using the money they are giving you for your old gear, toward another purchase. That was the tipping factor for me to go this route. I got rid of a bunch of rack gear that individually would have garnered an average of $50 each. While that was probably about 10-20% less than I could have gotten for those items sold on ebay, it saved me the hassle and earned me an additional 10% off the price of the Helix.
Sorry, no big bargains to be had or anything like that, but if you have a bunch of gear laying around as I did in the category of "not really worth the hassle of listing it and dealing with the whole process" this was a nice way to save a little on the Helix and clean out a couple of racks.